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Wonderful therapy for the elderly

We bring our miniature horses to Assisted Living facilities,schools,churches,nursing homes,day cares,businesses or let your residents enjoy a field trip to our facility....We have a lifetime of equestrian experience Licensed & Insured......a professional team providing first class service.
Our miniature horses are smaller than a large dog and if residents are sitting in a wheelchair they will be looking down at our therapy horses. Our services include bedside visits, group settings, or outside garden area OR FIELD TRIPS TO OUR FACILITY.
Miniature horses provide a therapeutic and beneficial experience for residents as well as staff. Our horses come braided and decorated and are exceptionally well behaved.
Our staff is highly trained and have many years of equine experience.
Our director is certified in Adaptive Special Education and holds a BA from Jacksonville University,a State certified Special Needs teacher as well as decades of horse experience.
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Assisted Living
Nursing Homes
Day Cares
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Hi I'm Joanne ,I'm your Equine Assisted Therapy Coorodinator.
Call me any time lets discuss our pricing structure and how our program works......looking forward to taking with you.
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Equine assisted therapy miniature horses
Bedside visits

Headed for the elevators

"Scooter" & "Bear" at work inside assisted living facilities

Our minis inside a nursing home

Special needs school visits to our facility

Our Equine Assisted Therapy Program at work...... a fabulous therapy for the elderly

"Scooter" & "Bear"......working at assisted living facilities

CBI Trips,Field Trips,Social Gathering at our facility
A lifetime of Equestrian experience
Licensed & Insured
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100% response rate
Some of our customers
Arbor Terrace The Mansions
Belmont Village Roswell Nursing & Rahab
Brookdale Chambrel The Park
Chestnut Ridge Sanford Estates
Country Gardens Sr Living Signature Health Care
The Georgian Lakeside Second Wind Dreams

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